Solomon Keep is different from a traditional RPG that the maze, the enemies, the staff and ring drops are random. There is one set of items that get dropped on Normal difficulty, another set of drops for Wizard, and a third set for Archmage. There is no standard walkthrough for this game. Instead, there's a few things to be aware of:
1. It is possible to cast magic without mana, but it becomes really weak...
2. Don't rush from one room to another before recovery of health and mana (especially mana!), or before eliminating all the enemies in a room. Otherwise, it's easy to get surrounded by enemies. (The wizard cannot move if got surrounded.)
3. If you learned 2 types of magic (say fire and missiles), starting from level 10 you may learn 1 welded magic by chance. As the wise one said in the game, even the greatest wizard can handle no more than 2 types of magic. The power of the welded magic based on the power of the pure ones, so you may not want to combine them in early stage of the game.
4. At the very first of the gameplay, before choosing the magic type, talk to the wizards to see what rings and magic upgrades are avaliable. While level up, choose the ability best suit to the offers from those wizard.
5. Right before level-up (refer to Stat in menu), use the magic key go back to the town (so that it saved the game), then fight an enemy to have level-up. If you don't like the skills on list, simply use the "i-pod" butthon to quit the game. Restart it and you'll find you have another list for skills upgrade.
6. Amazing Cabinet can now be enabled in the add-ons. After finishing the game once for at least one time, the Amazing Cabinet will let you make an exact copy of an item to another saved file. To store items, stand next to the Amazing Cabinet next to the shopkeeper. Simply put the item in, then take it out in another saved game file. As soon as you take it out from the game file that is RECEIVING the item (not the game file that put the item in), its state will degrade by one level (the state of the item simply determines how many times you can transfer the item back and forth from one game to the next, and it WILL NOT degrade its effects). There are 4 levels to an item; real, surreal, ethereal, and unreal. As soon as the item reaches unreal, the effects of the items is completely sapped, making it a useless staff/ring. When the item reaches ethereal, you should NOT transfer the item to another saved file, or it turns unreal. You may sell the item for its fullest price on any state except for unreal.
7. Enter a room slowly, this will break your enemies into smaller wave towards you.
8. Fire into a room before you enter, if there's no monsters come forth it, it could be a cage trap...
Recommanded Magic for beginners
Magic Missile + More Missile + Potent Missile
This would be a balanced choice, so that easy to aim while delivering substantial damage to your enemy.
Recommanded Skills
Teleport - You can get away from being outnumbered monsters.
Battle Mage/Channel Mana - Magic at later stage consumes large amount of mana, which makes this skill useful.
Creativity - Creativity may reduce level requirements for ALL skills by 7
Magic Circle.
Solomon Keep v3.0 Strategy, Walkthrough, Hints, Review
2010世界杯比賽結果: 荷蘭2:1擊敗巴西晉級四強 12年後終報98世界杯一箭之仇
此後荷蘭隊士氣大振,洛賓(Robben)更是越戰越勇,多次撕破巴西防線,令部分巴西球員開始急躁,對洛賓(Robben)及其他荷蘭球員的阻截亦越來越恨。終於在72分鐘後備入替的美路(Melo)因侵犯洛賓(Robben)而獲紅牌被逐離場,十人應戰的巴西攻防都出現許多漏洞。門將塞薩爾(Julio Cesar)及巴西後防無心戀戰,多次於門前傳送時被荷蘭球員截掉皮球,險些被擴大比數。雖然卡卡(Kaka)完場前奮力進攻,可惜不是過不了荷蘭的人海鐵壁,就是巴西球員太心急導致傳送失誤。結果哨子聲起,本屆冠軍大熱巴西黯然敗給荷蘭,無緣捧杯。
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